So as many of you know today is international women’s day. WHOOP WHOOP! I’m sure your social media pages will be full of stories of amazing women. Women that were rule-breakers, game changers, and just plain brilliant. I LOVE that! For real. We need to celebrate women more. And by more, I mean every day.
There are soooo many women out there that have shaped the person that I am today. Friends, family, professors (shoutout to everyone in the MSUM Women and Gender studies department) that have fundamentally shaped the way that I view the world. The way that I approach my craft and the way that I live my life.
So for funsies, to express my appreciation, and to draw attention to the wonderful women that fill our life with joy every single day, here are some of the magnificent people I’ve had the pleasure of working with.
So you’ve all heard me talk about how barre3 has changed my life! And if you haven’t feel free to check that story out here. They are a wonderfully supportive and AMAZING group of women. Kennen and her team truly want to empower you to be the best you can be. To live every day with good intention and to give that extra inch even when you think you have nothing left. Want to Try out a Barre3 class for yourself? You can sign up here.
I’ve cried many hopeful tears over this girl and her amazing family. Raena was diagnosed with an incredibly rare disease that attacks the nervous system called Friedreich’s Ataxia. However, this didn’t slow Raena and her family down. They discovered that at one point research had been going on here in Sioux Falls!
Every day I’m surprised at how small this world truly is. What are the odds that research had already been started? And not only had it been started it was showing great signs of promise. Unfortunately, funding had dried up and the research had been shelved. But because of Raena and her families determination, they were able to raise enough money to jump-start the research once again! This is HUGE and AMAZING news for anyone that suffers from Friedreich’s Ataxia. Want to learn more about Raena’s story? Feel compelled to donate? You can read more and help the cause by going
Want to learn more about Raena’s story? Feel compelled to donate? You can read more and help the cause by going here.
I could go on for days about how absolutely freaking fabulous the entire Hazel family is. For real I’ve written entire Facebook posts on this.
This family is the epitome of grace and love. And I would be lying if said meeting this them hadn’t changed me.
I didn’t realize how much I had been changed until after Angie’s passing. Because of her I more willingly and openly express the way I feel to those around me. I try extra hard to leave my judgment at the door and accept each individual as they come. Because of her, my heart is more open it’s more honest. I give more and take less. Those are all qualities she embodied. Those are all reasons she was able to impact people the way she did. Because simply put, she genuinely cared.
Anita has managed to raise three of the most remarkable, loving, kind, generous, and caring individuals I can honestly say I have ever met.They inspire me to do better, to be better, to know that I can raise my daughter to make a difference, to be the difference. And all I can do is thank them.
I feel compelled to talk about this lovely woman. I have known her for years. She is brilliant, kind, talented, and passionate about life and those in it. She is the kind of person that can be friends with almost anyone. Not only this, but she teaches dance to young girls. She is an excellent role model. Teaching them through hard work, perseverance, and belief in themselves they can accomplish anything.
Keep on being rockstars! Seriously. I don’t think anyone truly knows how difficult of a job this is until you’ve done it. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting so many AMAZING mothers, grandmothers, and even great-grandmothers that I don’t even know where to begin. And whether they realized it or not they were teaching me along the way. How to be more empathetic, more caring, and most importantly present.
So to all of the wonderful women out there, thank you! Thank you for being you, thank you for being here, and thank you for making the world a better place.
As a mom and a business owner, I understand the power of a moment, the story behind a smile. Photography for me is a bridge – connecting hearts, capturing the unspoken. It’s about creating an experience that’s as enjoyable as the final product. Your ideas, your story, your essence – I’m here to bring them to life through my lens.
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